I don't wanna fall to pieces ,
i juz wanna sit & stare at u .
I dun wanna talk about it ,
coz im in love with u .
lolcatpions well well im a lolcat whore awwwwwite? captions for the 'praying cat' and the 'cousin love' ones to me..sent the cousin one to my cute p5 cousin ricsson. i told him the lion was me and the kitty was him. he was telling me that was a tiger cub not lion. i only got very very confused okay, even though im a cat lover. (damn, my ex who's quite a cat made me a convert but cats are cute leh) the issue was never resolved.
Another word on my cousin. We went to a Zhu2 Chao3 (refuse to use tze char as ang-moh educated ppl use it alot and it sounds really bad coming from them srsly) place near grandma's house. He and his p3 sister clara were really passive when all the dishes came. It was quite a spread and everyone else enjoyed it...except them. Horror was the moment FROG LEGS came, CLARA looked alive!!!! She stood up and started forking all the meatiest fleshiest portions of the FROG LEGS. Ricsson also did the same but Clara was simply too fast. She got them all. Ricsson got the not-as-fleshy femurs and started to fork some from Clara's plate. It was so so amusing. Clara is a small girl, very shy, smiles alot but talks very rarely. I love her smile. And the delight on her face when the FROG LEGS appeared. I know that we will always be talking about that. I hope she finds her frog prince many many years from now..
Ricsson is still an ass though. From horror kid, he's still somewhat the same being a lesser horror kid, though more mature. After the dinner we spotted a group of children about his age: 2 chinese boys, 1 indian boy and 1 chinese girl. They seemed to be good friends. I then popped the question. Which is the odd one out? my answer was 'the chinese girl (with alot of !!1!!!!!1!!!!!).
No prizes for guessing his answer.
x 11:16 pm
|the idiot|
herr vs heryk vs herrick o9o488
seventeen (:
loves history, geography and economics irresponsible class rep :P
ex-hockey qm(((((=
~ skenderlers`
Vocalist in "Heryk and Friends" (what a gay name =D) 4p@t3ht|c atheist
so glad to know you
.. i've been happier ever since