I don't wanna fall to pieces ,
i juz wanna sit & stare at u .
I dun wanna talk about it ,
coz im in love with u .
my fav game of all time!
went back to playing warcraft recently. i mean, i was never so good! hahhaha...its so nostalgic. totally. glad to see people still playing it. but, there's like so many who's out to spoil the game. when u see players with names like 'afk_justwatching' or 'gg.u.lose', you really wonder what kind of fuckers thrive on earth. still, there's funny people abound.
normally i play 4v4, cos its fun to see one whole mess on screen! i love convos such as such:
on seeing my team has more high level ppl, enemy1 whose units are coloured yellow comments: enemy1:so its pros vs joes eh? me:its hard to say yellow ally1:esp when ur japanese
how about this:
ally1:yo niggs me:i'm yellow ally2:i'm not black me:are u a jew? lol jk
the funniest was when the game started and.... enemy1:P3N1S me:gay enemy1:wtf u homophobe me:stfu u jew enemy1:wth ur not only homophobe, ur racist! enemy1:lets get rid of the homophobe who's also racist!!!
of course i won. haha gay jew.
i've an account where its called masssiegeengine. as in mass siege engine. we knew them as tanks. they can only damage buildings and flying units. when 6 pop up at ur base, you can really cry. its up to ppl to believe, or not (whether my ultimate intention is really to do so). so far so good. i've also been in a game where an ally massed acolytes throughout. no crypt. only a hero, and swarms of acolytes. 220hp, 9-10 damage each. and won. amazing. lots of funny stuff. really enjoying it.
warcraft3 was so 5 years ago. yet i still enjoy it as much now.
x 3:30 pm
|the idiot|
herr vs heryk vs herrick o9o488
seventeen (:
loves history, geography and economics irresponsible class rep :P
ex-hockey qm(((((=
~ skenderlers`
Vocalist in "Heryk and Friends" (what a gay name =D) 4p@t3ht|c atheist
so glad to know you
.. i've been happier ever since