"plak!"; "plak!"; "plak!"; "plak!";
x 6:44 pm
for 600
if i dun sign the 1206 for about $600(compensation to army for damages and wastages), then i'll probably buy stuff as such:
1. violin. 19 year old learning violin's akin to planting padi in a flashflood. still, boredom and insanity's toll on me requires hefty expenditures albeit unnecessary and out of the world. pretty confident it wun exceed 200. jian qi's sharing with me i think.
2. 8800gt. for about 450 i get a pretty high-end gfx card. then i'll sell my 7600gt which has served me well the whole of last year. i think i'll let go of it at 150. its really a decent card. anyone with integrated graphics thinking of getting a graphics card pls find me. well i did buy it at 250 last last december..
3. company of heroes gold ed..60 bucks and u get a really cool war game that isn't all about resources..no stone no rock no gold..well its more of maneuver and tactics..and those steel panther type of games are simply too convoluted while fulfilling this need..
x 11:24 pm
who are you? who am i? who shall be? or shall we?
if i want to take him down, and everyone is on my side, i will not. At the critical point, i will be left alone. Allies turn into observers. They cannot wait for the show to start. when it starts it would be too late and the game ends thus. they who called themselves your friends win.
For now only skirmishing will do. I cannot deal with random variables. i can use whatever i have just been assigned though. i myself question the futility of the decision, but in my favour at the moment. you cannot stand him anymore, and now go forth to make a stand. the environment may be your homestead now but it will suck you and him in when you least expect it. a case of mutually assured destruction.
swift and deadly. if ever.
sorry kenneth but ns IS a game. i can't resist. afterall, where others have failed, i have triumphed. where others have been silenced, i became the voice. where others have lost, i have fought..and fight i will to my last shattered disc.
sidekick or parasitic sore. i wouldn't know what you'd be. i only hope you become my friend not my enemy. for we are not too different. for now. stop being an asshole. i know you have nothing to lose. but our fates will be connected. damn. why can't a simpler character have gotten in your place. the days ahead.
i think im too silly. its still too early.
x 9:43 pm
une deux trois..TROIS!!!
i'm the third eldest on my ranking of maternal cousins.
The eldest is my sister-cousin who is 4 years older than me. she is getting married this year.
Second eldest is my brother-cousin who is 2 years older than me. He is getting engaged this year.
I'm third, and i'm only 19 years old.
Anyway i made this up, in the style of the lame 'confucius says' style:
have a happy weekend! i'm about to have one, because i got to stay out, and i'm meeting ms zhu this saturday. nothing could make me viel besser . Thanks be to myself. Praise thyself. Life is yours, not Gods'.
x 12:37 am