"plak!"; "plak!"; "plak!";
x 6:27 pm
irc ppl
Some IRC quotes:
the bishop came to church today, and he's an imposter! he never did once move diagonally.
A:i wanna be the next hitler, kill all the jews and 1 clown.
B:why the clown?
A:See, no one cares about the jews HAHAHAHA
frank has quit IRC. (Quit)
x 9:57 pm
to forgive and forget
i'm sure no one blames me for thinking hong zhi is perfect. to forgive is a beautiful virtue. take the Amish shootings. no one blamed the milkman who "was angry with God". he took 5 of the girls' lives, and then himself, leaving behind his wife and children. but the entire town embraces his family. although i probably wouldn't have been able to understand their socio-religious culture completely, i am very touched. forgiveness is a virtue, which unfortunately is almost extinct in our society.
to be forgiven is to find you back in my arms again.
isn't that what true love is about? to forgive and forget?
no one can replace you, ever.
where others have failed, we shall not.
x 1:55 am