x 9:35 pm
hmmphh.....my wife just told me there's this guy who just added her for no reason even though she doesn't even know him. coincidentally, he added me a month ago. also, i didn't know him. so we chatted a bit then..then after a while didn't see him online again. then today i realised he blocked me. and the most offending thing was this.
he used my tag s k e n d e r l e r s as his. impersonator. get a life. alexander. got hong zhi to invite him into our convo. i greeted him, "hello mr skenderlers". if only i could say it in person. then he left the convo without saying a thing. he then changed his nick to mr andersen(recall 'hello mr andersen' from matrix). guess he was inspired by me. well, again, unfortunately. then he went offline.
oh my what a wuss. i did tell him i'm from hockey. maybe that's why (he went away). ahahhaah. of course there are better things to do than get pissed off by some idiot i don't even know.
oh ya, his email is cheesy_alexander69@hotmail.com
if he added you, let him know he's a weirdo, and that i'm pissed off with him.
x 12:19 am
cos xavier's mum was acting up again, my mum did so too. on me. and i got scolded by her so horribly, that i feel like jumping down. cos she hasn't scolded me for a long time. and now this. i got scolded cos of someone else. the kfc operator. i hate to have to do with trivial things like this.
it was raining. so my mum wanted me to order kfc. so i did. halfway through the order, the line was cut. i did place all the orders already, but just short of the reference number. so to confirm, i called back 15 min later. the manager or some bigshot told me there was no such order placed, and asked if i could call back after 15 mins or so due to overwhelming response on this sordid sunday. i told my mum the order was cancelled already. then went on playing rise of nations. and it's on tough. it really is that tough to play a game, especially when i was eliminating india's capital. then i got scolded by her for no reason when the delivery didn't come. how fair can that be. i did tell her the order had been cancelled. and she just went mad and scolded me. then started accusing me of ganging up with the neighbour upstairs to kill her. like what the. now i know how bad it is to get scolded by my mum when the fault doesn't lie with me. my classmates. sigh.
x 2:12 pm
my new handphone pouch
hed sew march farn terdey!
op workshop. so glad i didn't mess up anything(i REFUSE to use screw up). mr burnett(his' spelling's weird) lim was okay with me. though he said i kept dancing hiphop during my speech. LOL. but he said my voice is the kind which u want to hear more of..dunno how to describe. despite speaking in such a sharp voice most of the time? okay. good in any case. then i changed in school and as i was walking out, i saw mr tan. as in the principal. i was shocked. afraid i might get scolded by him. i was wearing bright colours somemore. but nevertheless, he smiled at me! then i bade him goodbye! phew!
went home put down my stuff went to causeway point at 1.30. my dear wife watched fantastic four with me. but i think she was trying to keep awake. hahaha..then we went kiddy palace. out of the blue she wanted to go there. then we looked at mittens and booties. but why? we bought a pair, so we could each have half that pair to be used as a handphone pouch. it's so CUTE! what an ingenious idea! went timezone. played some marvel vs capcom game again, only to get thrashed. it was so hilarious. i din't even play for a minute and it was game over already. BOO! saw xun wen there playing time crisis by himself. i really wondered if he still recognised me when i tapped his shoulder. he seemed to have to think who i was. so coincidental. i only remember he was my classmate in primary 3E. then after that we forgot each other. then this year he went to aj. and he lives next block of mine. cool.
i also saw andy. with 3 girls. only. hahaha...claimed to be buying ding jie's present. gave him my usual dose of suaning, then we went our ways. walked around somemore. then went home..but since it was near, brought zhi zhi to my house to have a look. she spent a lot of time looking at the yearbooks. and sending sms by my phone to trick jun han. so smart. she even sent, "i show hong zhi next time if i have the chance". then sent some "let's go escape theme park" to xavier and "i miss you, don't u love me too?" to wee liang. crazy girl! all the while assuming my identity. so sorry that there was no direct bus home though.
and of course, i did dumb stuff again. actually i crashed into the sides of the escalator handlebars quite a few times. how dumb can i get!but there was something more dumb.but i wun say. keke. i can't wait to go studying with dumb and dirty little girl next week! so long since i last saw her. can say i balanced work and social life quite well this year, better than expected. though june was nothing of socialising at all. just burnt it away. even the ashes have been blown away. till then, more dumb stuff awaiting to be done. i love my zhi zhi :)
(actually, jesper is also a zhi zhi hehe)
sigh did i mention that i got my first pair of boxers from zhi zhi? and it's pink..how nice...
x 9:33 pm
progress reports
got back our progress reports today..i wanna reflect on them....
From mr hong my maths teacher:
Herrick is a responsible and dependable student. he has leadership qualities and does his best to serve others. however, he can be distracted and may lack self discipline in studies. as a result, he has not performed to his actual standard. with proper guidance and self motivation and time management, he can and will succeed.
From ms ng my econs teacher:
Herrick has attained an average performance, relative to the entire cohort. he has displayed moderate level of mcq analysis skills via his average score in mcq. thus, it leaves him to work on his distinct weakness in writing, where he faces problem in projecting his understanding of economics concepts via good expressions. this can be worked on if he puts in greater effort in practicing his writing techniques in all the written assignments.
From ms johnson(i suspect mr yap), my geography teacher:
Has a mind that can think indepth and look for perspectives peers may not be able to find. Herrick can do very well for this subject. He contributes useful points in class too.
From mr loh my history teacher:
Herrick is a diligent student who is motivated in his work. He displays a keen interest in history and participates actively in class discussions, sharing many ideas with his classmates. Herrick is also extremely helpful to those around himm especially his classmates.
From mdm han my chinese teacher:
that's about all..in my one page reflection handed up to mrs toh which she demanded from the whole class, mrs toh was suaning me a bit. haha..i wrote that i was not able to concentrate well cos of the threat posed by my computer. she circled that part, and wrote, "Throw it away!" with a very big round grinning smiley face! oh my..i think she's quite cute..then i wrote something like......realised the folly of my actions(or inactions)...to which she underlined the 'or inactions', and slammed an uppercase 'TRUE!' there. she does have some humour..haha..so does everyone else..so many ppl falling sick...the people around me....slowly falling one after another. now, that's what i call the domino effect, of people falling sick, not of countries falling to commmunism. wee liang didn't come to school today, shawn had flu in school today(a very bad one), and i will have mine soon......but i can't get sick......promised to watch a movie on saturday with her, and to go out with my best friends on sunday..i can't get sick...for my friends' sake i can't!!! i will not fall.
i had a very enjoyable time with jun han janice hong zhi and her best friend,vicky yesterday. it was my wife's birthday after all. birthday only, wear until so sexy. hahahaha..(i hope u are not reading this :D)walked around in my silly grey aj uniform until around 8....then headed home...started chatting with my sister, and while she was on the comp i was on my bed..chatted i did.....and i slept after a while.....remember waking up at 4.25 on the other side of my bed and going back to sleep thereafter. meaning i didn't do my econs essay. so i had 4 periods to cheong it in school. remember i dropped maths? haha..it was just nice.caryn laughed at me lor..everyday go school to rush homework. ahhh, i like the thrill of it. these few days, i'm also going to school just in time. somehow i see marian everyday too. one of these days i know i will be late. haha..then i will just.....turn back, head for mac's have big breakfast there, and at 10 go to school. then report that i had a bad tummyache. okie that was what jun han's friend did. it's the ultimate. hmmm anyway rushing homework in school is good for my image. i will then seem like a mugger, teachers walking past will mistake me for being 'diligent'. well, come to think of it i dun deserve some comments. i intentionally excluded the gp ones cos i felt everyone more or less had the same complaints. so it's not unique anymore. i still feel very bad about maths. that day i told mdm ng i dropped maths she said she was not only not sad, but she was happy instead! @%^&*!but mr hong is really such a good teacher..no one can deny that. mr loh said i'm diligent. thing is, i rarely did his tutorials on time, and in class sometimes i dun even open my trap. for geog, i have a feeling that it's mr yap who wrote them, cos ms johnson only knew us for the last month or so. well at least i had an assurance for my geog. phew. hehe. typical bastard me. never study still get B. 3 1/2 marks away from an A. but well it happens. xav told me he read some book..didn't do worksheet or what that kind, but he went away with good grades. so jun han was so amazed. his class ppl,study so hard still fail. i never study, still pass my geog. so that's the good thing about arts ppl fail to see. so arts is better! so if anyone gets retained next year, u know where to go(wah i'm so evil, i think i'm dispensing this advice to myself)of course i also didn't study for maths econs and history, so look what happened =D
never mind i dun care about studies anyway. i talked a bit too much, and too incoherent already. today is racial harmony day, i'm glad i didn't crack any racist jokes today. or maybe i did. anyways...racial harmony day is also....
waye ning's birthday! (pink leh hahaha)
sorry no present. ahaha.. such a good friend i am..hahah..so cool leh. waye ning's birthday is one day after my wife's. realise i have known waye ning as in know, for a bit more than a year already. still as smart and pretty, i guess i must be so fortunate to have her as a friend...
k..my room has this burning smell, and it seems to be coming from my cpu..hahaha..till then..
x 10:44 pm
to my wife
x 12:00 am
just a sip of that honey on my finger
oh no i didn't know adeline stayed in hospital over the weekend. it sounds so bad. no please nothing must happen to her! if not there will not be anyone for me to suan already! and we didn't even know. wah she still say what a lousy class rep i was. no one told me lor! sobxx..had i known, i think i would have went to visit(lol visitate) her with some rambutans i found on the floor at least ma..haha..but the most hospital is still hougang chalet. only a stone's throw from her house. she should have went there, and got a permanent residence pass also ^^
we went to liang pei's house to celebrate her birthday on saturday. didn't know charis would be there too! (as usual, no one told me)spent 1 hour watching the first part of star wars IV. then after that..we ate..and ate....and ate.......liang pei's mum is a great cook! somehow we spent all the time eating or something. hahaha..liang pei was dressed in her pink clothes again(then what). then after that jian qi had to go to his grandma's house. so we accompanied him to the bus stop..then went back..discussed some stuff..everyone was getting bored. so they just sat around outside her house. i didn't have to suffer that..called my dearest wife!i thought i was very smart cos she tried to deceive me into telling her what present we were getting for her, and i saw through that. became damn zhuai cos it was the first time i got so smart. but as we shall later find out, my joy was short-lived. after some time we went back to her house. i was still talking on the phone. then liang pei tempted everyone with durians. wow..i saw all of them eating the durians sia. heng i dun really enjoy durians, so i didn't miss out much..haha..i wonder how they spent their time, really. then i was hiding up in the staircase. saw liang pei's sis' two friends going into the toilet,while she hid outside. so when they two came out...AHHHHHHHH!!!!! LOL it's so damn funnyyyy lahhh...she even apologised to me for the disruption..lol..then shortly after, i went down a bit, all of them STILL eating durians. then they all stunned. where u come from. hahahaha...i'm so insignificant...then we sang her birthday song..bla bla bla..thanks so much for inviting us! happy birthday! grow taller le wor :D
on sunday..went to do homework at j8..she took my handphone and looked into it..also peeked into my inbox. then she found out what her birthday present was to be. hong zhi damn smart liao hor. sigh. why must i be so dumb. anyone i got my revenge..saw all the photos she took of herself..wahahah..then i bought her a cake..wahhhh she was so touched. but she threatened to feed the cake to her cats. of course i knew she wouldn't! i walked with her to the bishan home..i really feel she belongs there =P then we went home..as in she went back to her and i went back to mine..her sister was like peeping at my messages i sent her! so funny..cos of me being so smart as to call back at 3am in the morning, thus waking her sis up, she guaranteed that i will be killed the next time i do that. but i will still love my wife till the day i die!
of course, i love my best friends as much too. they are people who will never have a negative impression of you, even though others may tell them tales. marian is a girl i can hug. lol. herrick is a boy xavier can lift off the ground and slam on the floor. i still remember the first week of school. orientation. xavier was the first guy i spoke to in aj. or rather, i was probably the first stranger he spoke to, cos my policy was still that of anti-socialism, though it was waning. marian was like the first girl xavier spoke to i guess. come to think of it, it was rather funny. xavier kept asking me which one i liked, shortie,beachie or red bean. of course i had made my choice then already. jkjk..haha..marian and i only talked through xavier i guess. and she was like the star..well in some way cos she always stuck with the guys it seemed..and at our lunches she never ate veggies! so she'll always dump them onto some fortunate guy feeling hungry still. then we spent some time in nyp always. there was once we drank curry sauce..not that crazy, though i miss this craziness we had still. then there was another time we lay there till the sun set and the stars came out(i know they are always there!). it was just so nice. damn if only we have this kind of time to spend now. ironic that i didn't talk to hong zhi during orientation. even after that, i still didn't talk to her much..it was only after she left that i got to know her well. so so ironic. melvin and jesper-the other two good friends i made in orientation 1. there's like everything under the sun u can talk to them about. though i must admit i have not been seeing them much, and even if i do see them, i don't have the time to sit down and talk. last time i did something like that was just shortly before school closed. i spent 1 whole hour talking with jesper and doing crazy stuff. maybe next time if i have nothing on after school, i'll walk around looking for them to talk to!
x 9:01 pm
frustrate today, forget tomorrow :) vent it out, let it go, never to come back again
damn it.
19 for gp-AGAIN. damn it.
but i ain't crying. getting used to this sort of UNFAIRNESS.
this whole year.
and i got o for history or something. f for maths. d for econs. b for geog.
fuck off dumb bastard.
at least that's better than foff.
the new loser in town.
but good news is that i didn't study. bad news is that my luck has been terrible. well, both are bad. at least i can change the first portion. i want to mug, but i can't. too many distractions. i wanna be alone, where i can then mug all i want. no cats to disturb, no stares to return.
yesterday, floorball. lost again. near the end of the match, i got so depressed that i didn't bother to run after the ball anymore. that's how traumatised i was then. we agreed that we'd sub half matches. ya then he ever so excitable, kept shouting for him to come back in. okay, that means i am lousy right. are you much better. who made the most noise. can't u understand agreements? would u coming in have turned the tide? well, i just am not saying this just to cause some conflict or what. i'm just so disturbed by the lack of maturity. just when i thought u would make a good captain. maybe u would. i don't know. i'll just do my job-quartermaster is not that?think kelvin the senior would have been quite annoyed when i didn't chase after that ball. but i think he was confused. he told us to rush up front, though i was the back. then when i came back to him, he said why go front, stick with me. haha..dumb..but funny come to think of it.
had pe today. arther lim asked us who were the only ones who failed sbj. hou teng and i went out. 2 only lah, so odd. then he said go one side, eat grass. lame me picked up some grass and tried putting them into my mouth. think he got quite shocked. haha. mr seng said we were humourless. of course we were humourless with him telling us crassssss tasteless jokes. but i think he's funny(in some way u can interpret). he came in in his black tightfitting attractive corduroy long sleeved and black pants. then the moment he came in he said why is it so hot? sigh, no wonder he became a history teacher. he can't do simple science. when we told him our class did badly for maths, he was happy. "great, historians can never count." and he said his maths was horrid too. all the more i want to drop it! he looks damn fierce, but i can see he should be quite an interesting fellow..quite funny lah. though his jokes and analogies are really GROSS and CMI. that's why no one laughed perhaps. our class is too truthful. dun even fake some laughter. at least he could see our class was the quieter, if not quietest. that should help account for some stuff. ms prathirana is damn chio, has anyone realised? that's what i think lah. well not in that lian kind of way, but she's very ladylike. so cultured. my heart just melts whenever i see her. she's so sweet! but guess she's too kind already. and while her voice is audible, it is just far off in being able to overcome the boisterity of the class. we're just opposites in history and gp. i can no longer catch up in maths. for integration i mean. erm maybe i was lost since trigonometry. i don't know. at least i can still laugh it off in econs with ms ng lah. so glad to see she's laughing like a mad woman. it's a good thing. cos it's really very funny. then today she laughed until she just ripened into a tomato. first time i saw her so flushed with joy. maybe not joy. it was cos renny drew something wrong i guess, then it was so gone that she started laughing uncontrollably. i also got tekan alongside renny. but wow at least she pronounced my name correctly. bravo! i didn't know a single thing there lah. just looked at the notes for a brief moment before i went up to do. then up there i totally messed up my non-existent concepts and became more of a clown. thanks to liang pei for saving my life while she totally knew nothing too i bet. haha..whatever terms ms ng mentioned, pinky was just laughing with me..totally 'gone' kind of laughter. every econs lesson is as interesting as it is traumatising for those who are clueless. once again i feel so contrite about maths . i'm not doing mr hong any justice. i don't do his work, and i spend nearly all the time in class thinking,of course that is interpreted as daydreaming sorta thing, but wrong anyhow. feel like dropping maths now. the common test was such a discouragement. couldn't scrape a few marks here and there to secure a 50 percentile at least. good thing, many people got horrid results too. well especially for arts. historians can never count. i'm still thinking about that. i've been so over ambitious. trying to prove people wrong all along. nah, but i still have much to learn. i can't possibly do everything. i'm not superman; i'm just a stressed up 17 year old singaporean student whose worries are just on his studies. i've started having problems with people. aj's so small. i have to say hi to people every few steps i make. not talking about my popularity here, but i think it's real superficial. i got nothing much to say actually. sometimes i really can't bother until i pretend not to see my friends. duh who doesn't know you're looking away. but i'm just overdoing it. hmm. good thing that they sometimes call me when they see me. i know everyone has this looking away tendency to some extent. i'm just annoyed at how a small group people in school are so fighting for popularity. shallow. like what good is it being popular. like some friendster profiles have it, dun add me just to make urself popular. ha-ha-ha. as long as u got a pleasant enough personality, popularity won't be an issue. don't understand how some people can make friends just by going up to the person and telling them his name. totally dumb. no one makes new friends this way. justin's getting on my nerves again. this time, he's emphasising on his popularity and ability to manipulate people. sounds horrible, but he does live up to his claims on especially the latter. i'm just going to teach him a lesson that people are not going to be manipulated. he's just a blackhole. he got pissed in school with me for a while cos i didn't give him what he demanded. that's the way it is with me. probably the rare occasion that he didn't get what he demanded. i'm glad that i did that. "nai ge nu hai zi wo yao, wo de bu dao?" that's how jerky he is. not to forget he came from cat high. as i used to say, cat high people are jerks. or to make it seem more politically correct, have a much higher proportion of jerks than when compared to other schools. just cant stand his attitude when he shouted at the college librarian. nothing about him resembles civilisation. oh.maybe the occasional barbarism that we see every now and then.
good thing that my person is that of the title. i'll just forget all these tomorrow. i'll be fine. wun bear grudges. i'm not a girl. okay, sexist you say i am. so to make it seem more politically correct, a higher proportion of girls than boys bear grudges. society is so damn lame. political correctness. duh of course most people know what to say and what not to. i saw a personal website recently, and half a screen was devoted to all the political correctness. like explaining how he would use 'he' instead of he/she to denote an rhetoricak individual..well that kind of thing. and about how the views are his and not any others, about where the information came from,so he canot be faulted on anything, about what other things he mentioned in order to steer clear of trouble from his text. and what more. it was just a game guide posted on some unknown site. that is how dumb the system works. somehow i feel that i'll start to speak lesser and lesser with my classmates, and more with my non-classmates. ironic. anyway, i'll still smile even with all these nonsense.
especially when my wife's birthday is coming up! ahahah!!!
x 10:32 pm
happily ever after
hi mrs toh! u like to read my blog is it! keke.. erm this means i cannot talk bad about aj teachers already right. then dun want liao lor. i hope u have enjoyed reading my blog! there's a lot of stuff that i never think then say. basically just to vent my emotions. i dun mind if u can tag at my tagboard!why is my tagboard so silent recently..
okie, what wee liang and shawn did today was to adopt our class mascot. which is that stray cat residing in our school. it's so damn fat lah. so fat like me like that. how can. shawn and wee liang totally spoilt the cat silly! kept feeding it chicken nuggets. i just couldn't be bothered lah. they're gonna cause the cat to die one day when the novelty dissipates. cos the cat is gonna be over-reliant on them and severely dependent on them for food. same as shou zhu dai tu lah. and of course what my fellow sickos(dunno why we suddenly revived this term) realised was that the cat was only using them lah. the cat acts cute, the guys like it, feed it food. it was when the cat snubbed them and returned back to its den after eating a fulll meal sponsored by the guys that they realised the cat had such a lousy attitude. lol. but it's a cute cat after all. took lots of pictures on my lousy nokia cam. actually i couldn't stand it when shawn and wee liang got so infatuated with the cat lah. it's just a fat cat! but they will wake up i know. apply this back to history. the middle eastern countries=the cat. shawn and wee liang=super powers(though there is no rivalry). the cat uses the sickos. the middle eastern countries uses the superpowers to further their interests. speaking of history, i got an average 11.5 for history question 1. no one in class got an A lah damn it. that's why i was so wary of that rumour since it came from 35 anyway. crap. the highest in class got a C only lah. ms ng said that our class is not performing up to the college's expectations for history and geog especially. meaning we did worse than the average geography and history classes. so that's just like saying u guys dun deserve to continue ur crazy combination. but i will persevere. damn it, geography+history is my life! so i willl either drop maths or econs. best of course is to get the grades that allow u to continue ur 4A's. i'll just set that as my goal then. i want maths. no other subjects will keep me sane if i drop it. cos it's the only non-essay paper. if i should drop it, i will just be admitted into imh. but econs is like, i dunno what i'm doing in econs lesson. dun see the need in me taking it. but then again, i'm so lazy to do maths homework, and not studying has proven to be capable of producing extreme results(2nd highest to 2nd lowest in class AHAHAHHHAA!!). so it's not steady. econs, i have that instinct for scraping through. well i got 50 for this common test. and mcq, well i had lots of luck. and time too(internal joke ahahahah). so probably i'm dropping maths. but i feel that the workload is greater for econs. not that i dun want to, but i dun think i can cope with the rigorous demands of having to take both maths and econs. i'm better motivated at completing econs, perhaps of ms ng, dunno why in fact, maybe cos it's still using language. so i like it better. but i like maths also. just that i hate trigo which is damn confusing and will never be comprehended by me in full. and i hate binomial which is damn troublesome and easily a cause for careless mistakes. sigh heck this for now.
tmr i will have floorball competition again. the allstars hockey team u can call our jaguar house floorball team got thrashed lastweek. damn tyco lah. shoot from one goal post into another. just like that. stunning 0-1 loss for us. hockey players. we'll win tmr! so after that we'll have prac too. find it weird that i've never talked to any girls in hockey before. haha..it's a weird funny feeling. not that i am demanding a change to this situation right now. hmmm i volunteered to be quarter master. or else the sai gang king i think . ahhaa..just want to do something..something that is like behind the scenes..my classmates ask why not be vice cap or even cap. before they venture further, i never had any thoughts of that. haha. useless bum you. not for me lah duh. can't wait to meet janice on friday, we're getting hong zhi's present. ahaha. but i'm not gonna disclose anything. curiosity killed the cat leh wife! ahaha..later it will kill ur momo or titi or bebe. then on saturday we should be having another 'optional' hockey prac. if mr lee comes again, the guys will be both happy and sad. happy cos it's solid training. sad cos that means the purpose of the saturday prac will be unfulfilled. no unlimited play match play match to destress and just play for the sake of pure fun anymore. hmmm though it's non compulsory i will still try my best to go..especially when my basics are still horrid. after the prac i may then go home to come out again..watch a 'dirty nc-16' movie with the class guys. should be all except hou teng and renny..they dun seem to like the idea of watching a movie, let alone a movie of the above description. not my idea that we watch that movie lah. it was justin's idea. dunno why he seemed so enthu about asking the guys out on saturday. just go out to ying chou him ba. and since we have had no outings or what since holidays ended. and even so only 1 outing in the holidays is crap. so just go watch that dirty movie lor. dirty cos of the movie title, i dunno anything about it. just going for the sake of watching something, going out somewhere. then after that we should be going to pei pei's house..her birthday party. she said can bring vcds and dvds, so i asked if i can bring lds. ahahaha..not funny..jian qi should have lots of cds he can share..THAT kind yea..just ask him bring the type that wun cause u to bleed ur nose to death that kind =P dunno what we'll be doing at her house actually..just celebrate her party..that's it..the guys talk among themselves again..that's it..so much work to do but so much i wanna talk about. wheee these few days adeline has been my favourite classmate! wah i so enjoyed her company. can suan and suan..damn fun...easy prey to make fun of..mwahahah..wollen rocks! but she keep suaning me also..haha..keep asking me how long i squatted 'in there'..dunno lah..must be damn long...considering i xian jian hou sha so many ppl..wahaha..adeline rocks!hmmm..i know we all will have a fun time at pei pei's house. hehe..pushing her into the pond...who wants to plot with me? must ask her 8 year old sis that liang bei how she managed to push her into the pond :D
sunday then i'm gonna do my lao po's homework. hehehe..it's 40 percent of her module marks. and i'm gonna do it for her! or at least help out significantly. these few days too busy doing homework. haven't talked to her for some time. about 3 days i think. wah all the dumb stuff u did. damn fun! my weekend will be so fun! yay! life rocks! conflicts suck! if u are looking for conflict dun look for me! if u are looking for some mean laughter then i'm the person!
sigh..obviously i can't be that crazy ass during hockey when i don't know everyone. well, i do, but i don't. yea u get it i know.
x 10:23 pm
busted busted busteddddddddd
i'm so horrendously screwed up in that i have a whole skullpile high of work to clear. haha. smart ass with all the diablo 2 and rise of nations and maple story. now you've gotten ur just deserts. oh my herrick why are u so stupid. of course u didn't study and the results came back were of bleaghhhhh yucks you suck standard. got F for maths, D just nice for econs, B for geography. adeline so wanted to know why i could get a B from not studying. of course that means u aren't supposed to study for geog! (okie weird theory). but i justified that one should study. look what happened to my maths. so let me be a fine example to my friends who think that there is no need to study. but i just heard a rumour that someone in my class, 33/05 that is has gotten an A for history!!!!!!!what the hell!!!!! 35/50. well a rumour is a rumour, so i'll let it be. even if it's true, it wun be me what. hahahahah...cos i didn't study. so i should care instead of whether i'm even getting a pass. oh and my chinese got 60 on the dot rounded up sorta if i not be wrong. i mean there's no way u can study chinese. especially since i came from the 'lower chinese' stream in cat high (darn mr toh that pig head i'll get him one day) my mind is probably very screwed up now. but it's better this way. then i wun have time to think of other stuff that's doing me more harm than the good it's supposed to be bringing. yea and i came to a conclusion that,
the world DOESN'T need deep people. come on. deep people dun have much use in a shallow environment. i hope this 30 minute break i took would help me in finishing my homework.
i was doing the econs 25 mark groupwork essay just now..took my life away already. adeline did the front, i did the bulk of the body, bel's doing the rest. so now i would have left my geog essay, 92 econs mcq,3 maths tutorials, history tutorial outline 8, chinese book review and chinese mock paper. what else. dunno lah.
such wonderful memories. i love debates. when i just directly insulted that justin was talking nonsense, where terence got so emotional that he used ta ma at the end of his speech. wheeee everyone enjoyed it. chee wei said 'wo men kao ni le herrick' so i said 'kao bei lah, kao wo' lol. outright vulgar and rude but all for the sake of lame entertainment. if i didn't bother to be damn irritating in class, it would be so boring in class..zzz....awww herrrick why u so dumb if u had done them long time ago u could have used the time to talk to her! had this feeling she needed me the most and yet i couldn't be there for her..yet she was always there for me!!!same goes for all my other friends. always there for me, but somehow i am never there for them!!i'm a jerk!!!!selfish bastard!!tohellwithMEEEEEEE!!!!
x 11:12 pm
example of a spas
Laura Schlessinger is a US radio personality who dispenses sex advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that as an observant Orthodox Jew homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned in any circumstance. The following is an Open Letter to Dr. Laura penned by a US resident, which was posted on the Internet:
Dear Dr. Laura:
Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your radio show, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific Bible laws and how to follow them.
a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev. 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her? She's 18 and starting University. Will the slave buyer continue to pay for her education by law ?
c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev. 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? ....Why can't I own Canadians?
e) I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should this be a neighborhood improvement project ?
f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination (Lev. 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?
g) Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here? Would contact lenses help ?
h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev.19:27. How should they die?
i) I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev. 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev.24:10-16) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)
I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God's word is eternal and unchanging.
Your devoted disciple and adoring fan.
x 1:44 pm
we live in a beautiful world
dumb stuff like cheering upon seeing an ambulance and insulting people in debates held in class. how much longer will this fun last? i've to start mugging..somehow.
x 10:54 pm
all in a day
we were asked to write down four facts about ourselves during gp, then someone would read out and the class would guess who that was..
i wrote that
i am a shy boy
i am antisocial
i love to chew ice
after reading out the second one, wee liang knew it was me already. so touched.haha..then as usual mr seng is being as provocative as usual. of course i see no need in telling u how bad he is when he teaches..it's not the usual kinda stuff..my hand stinks from that hockey stick. unknowingly,we played from 4 till 7.30. it's very tiring, and what more, i had morning pe.double periods. and tmr there's afternoon pe. the day after there's interhouse floorball competition. how i wish everyday were like this,serious. i can forget about all the stuff behind me..indulge in myself. dun see the need in being social in hockey, so i'm like super reserved or what. i feel happier that way. many a time, when i see people doing the talking, i let them, and i never join in. it's only when no one's talking, then i'll do it. of course i'm an extremist. i myself am puzzled as to how vast this disparity is. but not that it's bothering me. my studies are enough to bother me. no one in the class believes that i really don't study. whatever lor, tell u all u all dun believe..not my problem. but i have to change. my ambition is to be a teacher(can't it be better than that?). so i can't do all this slacking now. have to buck up. hockey guys already boasting their common test results. guang wu got F U C. well he doesn't get the K cos nobody can, and he's taking 3 subjects. mark said some got F. OFF. for those with 4 subjects that is. nice one. before hockey i went to skin centre for my appointment. thought it would either be that indian doctor as in indian nationality or that american doctor, but no i got this particular kim yu jeon or something. she looked like a chinese..but only when she spoke did i realise that she was a korean. i love the skin centre. get to see doctors of varying nationalities everytime i go. so interesting..i hear the same advice from them everytime. i can go there in another 2 months and i know what they're going to say to me already. i always have quite some laughs with them. so very exhausted now. maybe i'll go sleep soon or what.
x 8:28 pm
1st day of school
first day of school. while i definitely had lots more optimism in asking people out for the FOURTH time, and i was never close to giving up cos previous 3 times there was no one going out. but i suppose i'm getting the most trash from my classmates. asked wee liang to ask ppl out just once. he quit already. really got angry at that. what more, me asking four times. four damn times. and people come back to me, giving me attitude. of course i sound really like a pissed off idiot now, but i'm really at my wits' end. mrs toh asked me to have class outings every now and then. so i organise, but i get negative responses. so be it. but as chee wei has highlighted to me, if ppl dun want to go, so be it. dun have to give me crap like "i rather be studying than wasting money". do i need to know that? it's so sensitive having to deal with these issues. i'm not directing personal attacks here, i just hope my classmates can mature..and remember i dun owe u all a single thing. i'm doing more than what i should be doing already. i don't have to do it. i don't have to bother. i don't have to sacrifice my time. but i still do it. but now i won't. at most organise a few bachelor's outings. at least i wun get any lame crap from most of the guys in class. but i always thought people should take turns organising such events. seems that i have only took turns with myself. ppl, zi dong yi dian lah! dun make me scold all the na beh kao bei pbk ljb funny sounding vulgarities.remember i'm a nice guy =)
well marian, i'm just acting cheena. or maybe my acting's too real. at least i'll still be talking to you in english, so be thankful ahahha..but it seems i'm losing my naturalised accent. listening to mr seng wun make it better though. still, with my pomp, dun think i'll be losing my accent or other aids that assist in fluency of spoken english.u have my word on that. i'll still be your best friend! and erm where's xavier i dun see him anymore =S
after a whole day of noise induced by me, it's time to go back into my shell. where nothing goes in nor comes out. perhaps it happens. most probably it's that that shell just melts whenever i see the smiles. then i will smile back at you, but with darts in my mouth of course, ready for deployment. gah. perhaps it's only now that u see who your friends really are. the great unveiling. of course.
whoever has received atrocious results, i'm organising a class outing to hell. it would be your last one too ^^
x 1:02 am
youth day
spent a very memorable youth day today. went to watch war of the worlds with my wife after her lessons ended at around noon. we went to jurong point, and my, look at that queue! so i rationalised that today was youth day so that queue. had at least 2 hours, so we walked around..she took me to the pet shop. spent like half an hour looking at baby schnauzers, malteses,chihuahua and other cuties. haha..there were also the rolly-polly pudgy hamsters and the lazy dozing kittens..of course they were cute..but dun think u can expect me squealing like a girl right..so that's right..no reaction..hahaha..there was this fat overgrown mother labrador retriever or some similar dog. she just lay in the middle of the path, attracting attention. lol . hao gou bu dang lu. bad dog she is. but could see she had given birth before, that's why she was of that size..
ate at mos burger for lunch thereafter, then went around looking at stuff..there's this shop selling ninja swords or what..also sold sports equipment, though many products look like usable gangfighting weapons. we then went to watch the movie..damn nice lah..action packed..though there were a few loopholes that distracted people..the machine's sudden death was caused by bacteria, how lame can that be. but i know its possible cos people always remind how other worlds' bacteria that may exist may induce death in us..the other famous loophole was the robbie one..watch it to know.
okay a day pleasantly spent. didn't have to worry about offending people with my speech or having people getting the wrong ideas..no worries..if only everyday could be like this..it could if i stick to MYSELF ALONE, which is a contrdiction of our college motto, non mihi solum, not for myself alone.. could have went back to admiralty on the train from jurong east but i travelled all the way to sengkang then back instead..spent about an hour more, but i did so willingly and happily! really enjoyed your company, hong zhi! you're a great pal! cheers to our friendship, eternal it will be! aren't u touched! dun abandon me for ur one-and-only leh..i will be sad know :P
i rather spend my time thinking back on the times we had..than do homework! i'll send them all to hell! haha..forgive me if i get retained..wake up at 4 to do them lor..at least i will let that ms johnson or mrs lyndon johnson have my 2 drqs, then mr low have my tutorial 7. i feel so bad for always being a jerk to mr hong. he's just too nice. i want to slap myself for not doing his homework. he doesn't show it, but obviously he's hurt when we dun do his work. or at least me, for those unwilling to confess. as for chinese i have 1 more day left. to do a review and a mock exam paper. but well, chinese is my favourite subject. notice i'm the only one with the dictionary much of the time? i'm really crazy about passing it. though i'm one of the lousier ones. but at least i speak normally. no need to think just to speak chinese. for that i'm so happy with myself. even if that makes me cheena. so be it. i respect those who conscious of their roots. though i'm mayhap the worse sinophobe around. i'm crapping more as i go on..so i will know my limit and stop here.
how long before i will get to see you again? how i miss you so..(my cousin lah :D)
x 11:11 pm
my heart bleeds whenever u have to leave me. that sudden surge of desolation. how wretched i would be. killing myself with that utter forlorn.
x 12:16 am